Local Unit PTA Advocacy 101
How do you track a bill as it moves through the Florida Legislature?
A chart showing the routes a bill may take as it moves its way the Florida Legislature. A bill may originate in either house. This example shows one originating in the Senate. Courtesy of www.miamiherald.com
Advocacy Tips
Tip # 1 - How to Find Your Legislator
Do you know who your legislators are? Who represents you in the Florida Legislature and United States Congress?
Click on the link below to find your state senator, state representative, and member of the United States House of Representatives. https://www.votervoice.net/FLPTA/Address
Advocacy Activity Guides
In the context of PTA, Advocacy is support and speaking up for children – in schools, in communities, and before government bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children. Those who choose to lobby, to take their case directly to their elected representatives, represent one very important form of advocacy called “grassroots advocacy.”
It is your right to lobby.
Some would say it is your responsibility.
National PTA encourages PTA members form across the country to engage with their communities about registering to vote and the significance of the voting process. PTA members can get involved by reviewing National PTA election guides, and by rolling out voter registration and pledge campaigns. Members may also visit www.nonprofitvote.org to learn more about voter engagement activities in their communities.
The National PTA encourages a focus on grassroots advocacy and resources that will help any PTA build its advocacy capacity by creating a campaign strategy and training leaders on key advocacy skills.
The National PTA has created an advocacy toolkit for all PTA members. This toolkit is designed to help child advocates speak up for the health and wellbeing of all children. Use this resource for everything from writing your legislators to scheduling Capitol Hill visits—even to reach out to the media.
Other Resources
US Department of Education - Family and Community Engagement
Partners in Education
Check out the resources on this webpage supporting the framework for building greater support and capacity in schools, homes and communities, so ALL students have the chance to succeed. Get ideas for how to bring your passion, talents, and energy to help students and to make your neighborhood schools stronger. YOU can make a difference. You can help young people in your neighborhood have a strong start and prepare for college and for their careers. Find out more on their Website.