Award Details
**TIPS FOR APPLYING FOR AWARDS – Fill out award applications as soon as a program is completed, when it's easy to recall details. Be sure that programs align with PTA’s stated purposes/mission or with any positions taken by State or National PTA.
Eligibility Requirements
Winners of County Council, State and National Awards, Scholarships and Grants must be a unit (or member of a unit) that is in compliance with Broward PTA/PTSA and Florida PTA.
Unit Dues must be current for BCCPTSA Annual County Annual Dues as well as for State/National Monthly Dues Payments.
Council dues – October 31st
State/National dues up to date payment– as of May 1s
Need to pay your Dues so that you meet eligibility requirements? Not a problem! Pay them online HERE:
Bylaws are up to date and signed by Florida PTA
Bylaws should be dated no later than 2020. Local PTAs in Florida are required to use the current school years' form to be sure that all state requirements are included.
Have a Current Year’s Membership Approved Budget that can be shared via email or file share.
See Unit Compliance Requirements for more details.
Advocacy in Action Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that supports adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. (For example: promote and present information on traffic issues, nurses in schools, physical exams, candidate forums, etc.) This is for those that have contacted legislative members, held candidates forums, and advocated for concerns in their community. They are proactive and informative.
Bridging the Gap Award:
This award recognizes a local PTA/PTSA/school that works closely with their feeder PTAs/PTSAs/schools and community as they “Bridge the Gap” for the sake of the children and community.
Community Care Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that encourages students to be good citizens and help others in need to inspire them to become considerate, caring adults. This award will recognize the unit with the best outreach program.
Footprints Award:
This award recognizes an active member of Broward County Council PTA/PTSA (BCCPTA) [local unit representative or executive members] for contributions to furthering the ideas and principles of BCCPTA. This recipient has gone above and beyond their assigned duties to BCCPTA and support of the PTA objectives through a lifetime of service. The award is not given every year. The recipient of this award is selected by the BCCPTA President.
Historian Book Award:
A local unit produced Book containing all the business, information, meetings, programs, projects, and activities for the PTA/PTSA local unit for a whole year. SUSPENDED
Innovative Idea Award:
This award recognizes a local unit with the best NEW idea for a project, program, or activity that has never been done or is not common. This is to foster new ideas for everyone that can be replicated by other PTA/PTSAs.
Leadership Award:
This award recognizes a high level of leadership, involvement, and organizational achievement by a local unit. Criteria listed on application found in this packet.
Legislator of the Year Award:
This award was established to recognize a Broward legislator who has made an outstanding contribution to children and education in the Florida Legislature. Final decision on the Legislator selected rests with the BCCPTA Legislative Committee at the conclusion of that year’s Legislative session, if a legislator merits recognition. It is not required that a legislator be recognized every year.
Membership Award:
This award recognizes a local unit with a significant increase in membership & who conducted an exceptional, creative membership drive. State how much your membership increased and describe what was done to encourage new members.
Parent Program Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that provided an issue-oriented workshop(s)/program(s) for parents. Workshop/Program should focus on how parents can improve the lives of children. (For example: Internet Safety, College Planning, prevention of teen pregnancy, drugs, bullying, gangs, gun safety, health issues, reading, science, math, writing, technology, etc.)
Partnership Award:
This award recognizes a Broward County Council PTA/PTSA (BCCPTA) partner for exemplary service to the County Council. This includes assisting the Council with projects through innovative ideas and monetary contributions. The partnership award recipient has placed PTA and its work with the children of Broward County into their business plan showing their continuing support throughout the business year. The recipient of this award is selected by the BCCPTA board members.
Rising Star Award:
Introduced in 2018-2019, this award recognizes a PTA/PTSA unit. More than one unit can be recommended; however, only one unit representing the Central, North or South areas is eligible to be selected in any given year. The unit is chosen based on activities done within the school term of each year. Sections are made by the respective area vice presidents, and in absence of an area vice president, selection shall be made by the board, based on one of the established criteria as follows:
1. The unit has been turned around from the standpoint of being marginal in terms of PTA guidelines and is now on target of being a Role Model unit.
2. The unit must have shown overwhelming support and interacted with BCCPTA over and above the norm.
3. Other extraordinary event(s) that falls within he PTA's mission
Student Program Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that provided a program/activity to promote the welfare of children. Program should be an issue-oriented and focused toward the students themselves. (Gun Safety, a bike rally, gang & drug awareness, college preparation, health issues, etc.)
Unity Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that provided a program/project promoting and developing a productive relationship between the local unit, school and community, who work together for the benefit of the PTA, school and community. (For example: Beautification programs, multicultural and social activities that will unite, etc.)
Volunteer of the Year Award:
PTA comprises of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, businesses and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of parent involvement in schools. The recipients of this award were chosen based on who has made a valuable contribution to Broward County Council PTA/PTSA (BCCPTA) over the past year, and the number of students who were reached. Special consideration was given to volunteers helping children who’s environmental, familial, and/or socioeconomic situation may affect their academic success or ability to learn. The award compliments PTAs long standing commitment to education and children. The recipient of this award is selected by the BCCPTA board members.
We Communicate Award:
This award recognizes a local unit that uses a variety of methods to effectively communicate PTA/PTSA information to parents, students, teachers & community. (For example: PTA/PTSA website, flyers, marquee, newsletters, email, Parent Link, etc.)
Welfare of Children Award:
This award recognizes a community member, organization or corporation who demonstrates continuous exemplary support for children and education.
To apply for an award, bylaws must be up to date, reviewed and must have an approval date prior to submission of application. Bylaws are updated by FPTA every 3 years.
PLEASE NOTE: ALL Applications are contingent upon timely payment of
Council, State/National PTA dues.
Council dues deadline – October 31st
State/National dues deadline to qualify for a BCCPTA Award – current as of May 1st