The BLC is an event every PTA LEADER should attend! Every Fall, we gather together all Presidents, Treasurers, Secretaries, and Chairs to cover the latest policies and best practices in Bylaws & Advocacy, LBGTQ+, Mental Health, Community Engagement, Round Tables, Membership Matters, Reflections......AND SO MUCH MORE!
Below you'll find our most recent years presentations from all the classes that were presented at BLC, arranged by year! So if there was a class that you wanted to attend, but it conflicted with another scheduled at the same time, then you are in luck!
Please feel free to browse and download any or all of the presentations. Be sure to check the the most recent year for any updated presentations of the same topic from previous years!
Together, with the proper training, our advocacy for ALL children will be highly effective, and impactful!
BLC 2024

BLC 2023