Annual Unit Forms
If you haven’t received your Kit of Materials, please let Florida PTA know. Send an email to:, include your name/position, PTA name and County the PTA is located in.
FLPTA New & Returning Officers Form — This form is for registering NEW officers (for the first time for 2024-2025 or for prior years) with the State PTA.
**Please note**: YOUR OFFICER INFORMATION MUST ALWAYS BE CURRENT AS REQUIRED BY THE IRS GUIDELINES. If you have already submitted your officers for the year but are CHANGING any of the submitted officer names or contact information, please send an email to: for instructions; the Change of Officer Form will be sent directly to you.
PLEASE COMPLETE all required information (as soon as officers are elected). You will not receive your login information for Givebacks or the Florida PTA Kit of Materials (which will be emailed after July 20, 2024) if this information is not updated each year. Information MUST be completed for President, Treasurer and Secretary, INCLUDING HOME ADDRESSES, a valid and separate email for each, as well as a phone number.
Suggestions to Local ByLaws Chairs — The Florida PTA has compiled a Bylaws Form (23-24 LOCAL UNIT BYLAWS FORM) that includes wording required by both Florida PTA and National PTA. Local PTAs in Florida are required to use the current form to be sure that all state requirements are included. We recommend reviewing/updating and submitting your Bylaws annually, while maintaining annual unit compliance requires submission of updated Bylaws at a minimum of every three (3) years.