Broward Schools Information
Parents are the power in public education and the force is strong with @bccptaptsa Broward County PTA/PTSA
As a parent, you are your child's first teacher. By being involved in your child's education, you are doing your part to build a strong foundation for academic success. BCPS gives you access to information on student safety, monitoring your student's school grades, making school payments online, and much more.
Pinnacle Gradebook is an online resource for students and parents to stay current with grades and assignments. When teachers enter grades in their accounts, student grades are automatically available to you through a username and password. Parents can set up alerts for their email when: a student misses a homework assignment; scores below a set limit (determined by the parent) on any quiz, test, assignment or project; student average goes above or below a set limit.
Parents Accessing Pinnacle
If you are a parent of a student in grades 6-12 and are accessing Pinnacle, please use your child’s Active Directory useriID and password to login. If you are the parent of a child in grades 3-5, please use the BCPS Mobile App to view the current average grade your child has earned in each class.
To log into Pinnacle you will need:
To log into Pinnacle you will need:
Your child's Student Identification Number
This county issued number appears on your child's schedule, interim report, and report card.
If you are unsure of you child's student number, any of your child's teachers can give them this number.
The login will be
Example: 0123456789@my.browardschools.comA Pin Code
The pin code is the student's date of birth. This will be typed with uppercase P, the month, the date & the four digit year including slashes.
Example: if your child's birthday is March 5, 1982, you would type P03/05/1982.
Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) advisories and committees consult schools, departments and the School Board on a variety of issues. The members, who represent the District’s stakeholders, contribute invaluable services to BCPS by serving as subject matter experts in their respective advisories or committees.
View a list of the District's Advisories and Committees, which includes relevant contact information. For meeting dates and times, click on links below.
NOTE: Individuals who wish to serve on an advisory or committee are required to take Ethics Training and are subject to Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine Law. For training program information and additional resources, visit
District's Advisories and Committees Groups
Audit Committee
Area Advisory Councils
Bond Oversight Committee
Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs
Calendar Committee
Discipline Committee
District Advisory Council
District Policy Review Committee
Diversity Committee
ESE Advisory Council
ESOL Leadership Council
Executive Parent Advisory Council
Facilities Task Force
Financial Advisory Committee
Gifted Advisory Council
Green Advisory Committee
Head Start/Early Intervention - Policy Council
Healthy Lifestyles Event
Human Relations Committee
Legal Services Committee
Long-Range Facilities Plan Steering Committee
Meaningful Inclusion Committee
NAAC Zoning and Enrollment
Negotiation Parameters Committee
Oversight Committee for the Implementation of the Third Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement
Parent/Community Involvement Task Force
Policy 1164: Subcommittee Meeting
Policy 4000 (Student Progression Policy) Workgroup
Policy and Bylaws
Qualifications Selection and Evaluation Committee
School to Prison Pipeline Committee
Small Business Advisory Committee
Special Virtual Audit Committee
Steering Committee
Superintendent’s Goal Setting Committee
Superintendent’s Insurance and Wellness Advisory Committee
Superintendent's Review Committee
Technology Advisory Committee
Title I Advisory Committee
Wellness and Learning Support Committee