For media inquiries, please send an email to

If you are interested in getting involved on our council, please email President at

For more Local Unit Resources and Leadership Training CLICK HERE

The Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs consists of ALL LOCAL UNITS in Broward County.

Units in good standing (having met all annual compliance requirements) may participate in county council meetings, programs, grants, and awards/recognition ceremonies. BCCPTA/PTSA also conducts events and programs to engage the entire community.

Our leadership team consists of the Executive Committee (officers and parliamentarian), Executive Board (officers, parliamentarian, standing committee chairs, immediate past president, active past presidents, and specified representatives), Area Representatives, special committee chairs, district & community committee representatives.

For local unit assistance, contact County Council President or your Area Coordinator: 

North Area Coordinator

Central Area Coordinator

South Area Coordinator

For assistance with financial matters (budget, forms, etc), contact the Treasurer. For assistance with IRS compliance and related documentation, please contact the Compliance Chair.

The Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs (BCCPTA/PTSA)  is a constituent association of National Parent Teacher Association (PTA®), the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation. As a county council, we train and assist local units.

Our National PTA's Origins

For more than 100 years, National Parent Teacher Association (National PTA®) has worked toward bettering the lives of every child in education, health and safety. Founded in 1897 as the National Congress of Mothers by Alice McLellan Birney and Phoebe Apperson Hearst, National PTA is a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. 

Today’s PTA is a network of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. 

Vision for Broward County Council of PTAs/PTSAs

BCCPTA/PTSA will continue to make health, education and welfare of the children the first priority on our agenda.  Our membership and leadership will reflect the diversity of the county we represent.  We will respond to the needs of our members with appropriate programs and services with a refined governance structure, fiscally sound practices and with strong, well-trained leadership.  We will increase the number and commitment of our members with measurable results and accountability.  Positive social change will occur through BCCPTA/PTSA involvement in child advocacy, parenting education and partnering of education.

PTA Values