Healthy Lifestyles Initiative

BCCPTA continues National PTA's commitment to improving the overall health and well-being of families across the country because we know living a healthy lifestyle is a key component to our students' ability to thrive.   

The Healthy Lifestyles initiative offers educational resources and engagement opportunities that empower students and families to make better-informed health decisions.  Watch this space for upcoming community events and to see what types of events we put together in the past.  

What Does Living Healthy Mean?

Prioritizing you and your families’ overall health is important to living happy, meaningful lives. And living healthy means more than just eating a well-balanced diet, it includes your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Children grow and learn in many ways. It is the shared responsibility of families, schools and communities to develop the “whole child.” This means looking at all aspects of children holistically, from social, emotional and cognitive skills to academic subjects like literacy and math. Together they can ensure that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged.

Past Events